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    Obert Skye

ISBN: 978-1-60641-146-9


Leven Thumps, Book 5: And The Ruins of Alder

by: Obert Skye
Meet the Author

Obert Skye is not who you think he is -- unless you think he's a best-selling author of over thirty books. Also, if you think he's not great at whistling, or that he's discovered cures, or that he once broke his collarbone while walking, then he's exactly who you think he is, and you're psychic. Among the books he's written are the Leven Thumps series, The Pillagy, The Creature from My Closet, Mutant Bunny Island, and Geeked Out. Among the cures he's discovered are the cure for boredom, a cure for ignorance, and a half-decent recipe for the curing of a ham. Obert is also a presenter and champion of both words and paper. 

Books of Obert Skye
About This Book

In the fifth and final volume of the epic saga of Leven Thumps, all of Foo is rushing madly to exit the realm of dreams while Leven is headed in the opposite direction. Fate snatches him to the island of Alder, where, with the faithful sycophant Clover at this side, he is poised to pass or fail the final test. Ride with Leven and Clover as they travel through the ruins of Alder, hoping that Leven has what it will take to save all mankind and restore the power of dreams.