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    Obert Skye

ISBN: 978-1-59038-490-9


Leven Thumps, Book 2: And the Whispered Secret

by: Obert Skye
Meet the Author

Obert Skye is not who you think he is -- unless you think he's a best-selling author of over thirty books. Also, if you think he's not great at whistling, or that he's discovered cures, or that he once broke his collarbone while walking, then he's exactly who you think he is, and you're psychic. Among the books he's written are the Leven Thumps series, The Pillagy, The Creature from My Closet, Mutant Bunny Island, and Geeked Out. Among the cures he's discovered are the cure for boredom, a cure for ignorance, and a half-decent recipe for the curing of a ham. Obert is also a presenter and champion of both words and paper. 

Books of Obert Skye
About This Book

You must be ready to join Leven Thumps, Clover Ernest, and Winter Frore as they journey across Foo to free Geth from his existence as a toothpick and restore him as the rightful heir to the throne. It won’t be easy. Foo is in chaos, and Leven must overcome several adversaries and survive the Swollen Forest to save his friends and keep hope alive. As fate would have it, bad goes to worse when Leven digs up a buried secret — one that stalks him, determined to whisper a truth that could be deadly in the wrong hands. Will Leven master control of his power, or will Foo crumble under a dark, new enemy?