Jerry Borrowman
Flames of Anarchy
by: Jerry BorrowmanIn the heart of Theodore Roosevelt’s America, a storm of anarchy threatens the nation, leading to a gripping tale of betrayal, fear, and the birth of the FBI.
Washington DC, 1908
After President McKinley’s assassination, Teddy Roosevelt ascends to the presidency, becoming the youngest president in American history. When a bomb narrowly misses the president’s personal railcar at Union Station, New York senator Jason Ellis is convinced it’s an assassination attempt. Yet, no anarchist group claims responsibility. Could it be the work of a lone radical?
Angel Casimer, an American Bolshevik living and working in the shadows, is frustrated by the failure of his bombing. When his boss issues him a new mission—one that could topple the entire American financial system—Casimer wonders if this could be his opportunity to finally get the recognition he feels he deserves.
Pinkerton agent Andy Pettit, a childhood friend of Senator Ellis and his wife, Patricia, is brought in to investigate. Despite the Pinkertons’ efforts, they can’t catch the elusive perpetrator behind these escalating attacks. The clock is ticking—where will the next strike be? The Republican National Convention at the Chicago Coliseum looms as a potential target, a possible death trap.
Flames of Anarchy is a pulse-pounding thriller that dives into a turbulent era in American history, where anarchists and radicals strike terror and fear into the hearts of bourgeois businessmen and politicians, setting the stage for a global conflict.
ISBN: 9781639933860
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
Publish Date: June 3, 2025
Page Count: 272